Saturday, January 14, 2012

Candle Jewelry

 Here is my latest find I wanted to share with you.  I was in our local craft store to buy some material and stumbled upon these beautiful candle jewels.  They had several different kinds, including a bird and other shapes, but I fell in love with this crown.  
 I'm sorry this picture is so bad, but you get the idea.  Have these been around for a while and I just haven't noticed them?  

 They dress up any ordinary candle and make them look beautiful. 
I love the look of this and it cost me only five dollars.   You could go to the dollar store and get a cheap candle and add this jewel and it looks fantastic.  It has too prongs in the back and you simply push them into the candle. ( The jewel hanging from the side of this candle is part of the wick)                            

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