Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's on your Bucket List?

Recently our family has been talking about "Bucket Lists".  You know,  all the things you want to do before  you die!..  So we decided to write our own lists and share a few things from our lists with each other.  My oldest quickly had over 100 things on his list.. Wow!   So I decided to share a few of my "bucket list" items on my blog.

1.  See the Northern Lights in person
2.  Go to Italy and find my ancestors either living or dead
3.  Go to Maine in the fall
4.  Read all of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes
5.  Be a wedding planner

What crazy, wild life goals do you have?  I must say,  this was a fun exercise for all of us.  Give it a try and remember there are no boundaries!


  1. Long time follower, first time writer. Love the blog. I thought that the name of the blog was super cutesy. Love it!

    Here are the things on my bucket list.

    1. Get married
    2. Meet the girl of my dreams
    3. Find me a hot mama
    4. Get hitched
    5. Tie the knot
    6. Shotgun wedding
    7. Put on the old ball and chain
    9. Elope
    10. Seriously, get married

  2. LOVE this blog! I've already checked off a number of bucket items; turns out many of them inadvertently happen as you age (although "Get fat" and "Have wrinkles" was not on the list). Now my list includes several almost-impossibles, such as "Take the family on a cruise" and "Become a Grandma." Both just out of reach, at least for now. xoxo, Joni
