Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fun Edible Halloween Arrangement

Easy Halloween Edible Arrangement
Gather all the candy you wish to use, I picked out Orange,Yellow
Brown and Purple.  You will also need black licorice. I bought
a bucket from the dollar section at Target and some cupcake liners.
Lastly I bought some spider web material and wooden skewers.
You will also need floral foam for the inside of your bucket.
After you have filled your bucket with floral foam, cut
the ends of the licorice off and slide the skewers through .
Next, lay the candy down on a flat surface and tape the
candy to the skewer.  You will need several pieces of
tape to make it stable.  You could hot glue gun the
candy, but it might melt your wrapper.
Starting at the back of your bucket, place the long skewers
in the foam, alternating candies as you go.  As you move
forward use shorter skewers by cutting them, and cut your
licorice as well.  I added a cupcake liner in the middle
for a little decoration.  You could also add small balloons
and anything else you think might be fun.
For the finishing touch add your spider web and curly
ribbon around some of the skewers.  It could use
a little black spider here or there, don't you think?

Here is my 4th of July Arrangement
complete with balloons, star shaped
marshmallows and flags

1 comment:

  1. Really cute idea. I liked the idea of putting licorice over the skewer. The Fourth of July arrangement is really fun.
